1. What is BizWorldUSA.com?
BizWorldUSA.com is the best business portal available in the market that connects sellers, buyers, business intermediaries, lenders, and other business professionals that want to sell or buy a business or business related services.
2. Why should I use BizWorldUSA.com?
BizWorldUSA.com is a local business portal which helps you find businesses for sale, broker services, financial services, businesses intermediary services, etc. to achieve your desired business object. BizWorldUSA.com creates a network among the users for the benefit of the business community.
3. When should I use BizWorldUSA.com?
The portal is available on a 24/7 basis. You can use it whenever you want.
4. Who are BizWorldUSA.com members?
Business owners/sellers, business buyers, business brokers, agents, business escrow companies, business advisers, business lenders, financial advisers, business marketing personal, franchising companies, and other business related professionals who are directly or indirectly involved in buying and selling businesses.
5. Do I need to register to use the BizWorldUSA.com business portal?
No, not at all. You can use the portal free of cost for all your business needs.
6. What are the advantages of registration?
If you register you can get free services such as email alters and SMS alerts regarding businesses and business related services. You also have an opportunity to post your requirements free of cost and related business professionals will contact you directly
7. Does BizWorldUSA.com really work for me or help me with business solutions?
Absolutely, BizWorldUSA.com is a community business portal that contains all business info such as businesses for sale and available business professional services from A to Z. By using all the features of BizWorldUSA.com you significantly increase your chances of getting the right business. The World Sales Report states that most businesses are bought and sold when there is effective communication. Over 100,000 emails/SMS will be sent out to prospective buyers, sellers, and intermediates every day, which tells you that your chances increase enormously to find the right business and business related services.
8. Is my registered information is secure?
Yes, your information is absolutely secure. We do not share your personal information with any third parties. However, if you do opt to receive information from third parties, they will contact you via the method you’ve chosen. To know more about the privacy, advertisement policy, and other company policies, please read the policies, terms, and conditions of the website. If you have further questions, please send an email to privacy@Bizworldusa.com
9. How can I activate after registration?
BizWorldUSA.com will send an activation link to your email address. Please click the attached link and your registration will be activated
10. What will happen if I forget my password?
Do not worry or panic. You can just send an email to BizWorldUSA.com and we will send the password to your email address.
11. Do I have to pay any fee for using the portal?
No. This is a free service. This free, local business portal helps you to buy, sell, and exchange business services. It is available 24/7 for all of your business needs.
12. Do I have to pay any fee to BizWorldUSA.com if I buy or receive any business services from a third party?
No, you do not pay any fee if you buy from our portal or if you receive any business service from a third party.
13. What should I do if BizWorldUSA.com emails go to my spam folder?
Just log in to your email account, check the Spam folder, and mark any BizWorldUSA.com emails as “safe” or “not junk.”
14. What is the SMS alert?
This is an instant message to your cell phone regarding requests posted by you.
15. Does the SMS service cost any money?
BizWorldUSA.com does not charge for SMS alerts. However your cell phone carrier may charge. Check with your carrier before signing up for such a service.
16. What are email alerts?
This is an instant notice from BizWorldUSA.com for your desired category of business, newly listed business, professional services, etc. You will get notice of any changes to the listings in which you have expressed interest.
17. Will email alerts cost any money?
It is a free service. You do not have to pay anything. To get these services, just log in and opt for the desired function.
18. Can I edit or turn off alerts?
Yes. Log in to your account and opt out of the service that you do not want.
19. Can I post a business request or loan request or business service request?
Yes, you can post such requests at any time. To post a request, log in to your account and post your business need. You can edit/delete a request at any time. Business professionals will contact you directly.
20. How much does it cost to post a business or business service request?
This is a free service, available 24/7.
21. Can BizWorldUSA.com remove my posting?
In general we do not remove listings or posted information. However, if any content is abusive or unsafe, BizWorldUSA.com retains the right to remove the posting without notification. For further information, please read the terms and conditions on our web site or email support@Bizworldusa.com
22. Can I listen to the audio which was posted by an advertiser/seller/broker etc.?
Yes, you can listen to the audio posted by a potential advertiser/seller/broker, etc. You can listen as many times as you want. You can also record or download if you wish. All of this is free of cost.
23. What is the advantage of audio material?
Most buyers are frustrated with brokers and intermediaries as they cannot understand exactly what the other party is looking for. This leads to wasting time and money, and unfortunately sometime there are misunderstandings also. With this tool, you are conveying a message to the other party about what area you are looking to buy a business in, type of business, rate of returns, financing service, due diligence service, etc. Around 50 to 60% of people are comfortable exchanging information in their own language for a better and clearer understanding of business information.
24. Can I watch the videos?
Yes, you can watch the videos posted by a potential advertiser/seller/broker. You can watch the video as many times as you want. You can also record or download if you wish. All of this is free of cost.
25. What is advantage of Video material?
Buyers are tired of brokers and intermediaries who cannot provide information about how a location looks or who cannot remember even basic information. The leads to spending a lot of time and money and unfortunately sometime there are misunderstandings. With this tool, you are physically able to see the business premises/location, business area, other business related information, etc. Around 90 to 95% of people are interested in seeing a location before buying a business. These tools also give an opportunity to hear the seller’s comments in their own words.
26. As a prospective buyer how are these tools going to help me buy a business or business solution?
BizWorldUSA.com makes these tools available for the benefit of buyers and sellers because prospective buyers and sellers do not want to waste their time. After you have prepared a short list of businesses that you might be interested in purchasing, you can use this site to find out detailed information about businesses. You can listen to the seller descriptions, view available videos, and also understand the seller’s vision of the business. This can help you decide to pursue this business or not. According to the World Buyer Report column, 85% of buyers are not able to buy a business because of a lack of sufficient information.
27. Should I contact the advertiser/broker/franchisor/professional directly?
Yes, you can contact them directly. However, before contacting them, please read their preferred method of contact such as time, email, SMS, preferred telephone numbers, etc.
28. Can I search by business by name/category?
Yes. Type words in the keywords field and search. Within seconds you will have your search results. You can use this tool to narrow your search to a certain area and/or types of business.
29. Can I search by company name?
Yes. Type a company name in the keyword field and search. Within seconds you will have the search results containing all the relevant responses. You can use this tool to narrow your search to a certain area and/or types of business.
30. Can I search by using just a few related words?
Yes. If you are not sure about the services or area, just enter the keyword and the results will show all of the available matches.
31. Can I search the businesses by state?
Yes, you can. This is a broad search i.e. all of the matching results will be displayed. You may want to narrow the results by simply using an advanced search.
32. Can I search the businesses by county?
Yes, you can. This is a broad search i.e. all of the matching results will be displayed. You may want to narrow the results by simply using an advanced search.
33. Can I search the businesses by city?
Yes, you can. This is a broad search i.e. all of the matching results will be displayed. You may want to narrow the results by simply using an advanced search for zip code or neighborhood in that city.
34. Can I search the business by zip code?
Yes, you can. This is the shortest searchable area.
35. Can I search using more than one search criteria?
Yes, you can. You can use as many keywords as you want. BizWorldUSA.com is a powerful local business community portal which searches your requested criteria in seconds. You might miss something, but BizWorldUSA.com does not miss it.
36. How can I verify the accuracy of the information posted by an advertiser/seller/broker?
Before contacting an advertiser, please read, listen, or watch all information posted by the advertiser regarding the business, financial, lease, service, product, etc. If you want to verify this information, you have to do your own due diligence. BizWorldUSA.com is neither representing nor guaranteeing any of that information. As a potential user, it is your responsibility to do your due diligence.
37. BizWorldUSA.com provides, articles, disclosures, methods of sales, etc. related to the business industry. Can I use this to complete a sale or as legal documents or advice?
No. All contents/disclosures/opinions are expressed by experienced professionals. Those will vary from person to person and transaction to transaction. We believe this information can help you understand issues involved in selling a business. But please do not take these opinions as final or legal for business transactions. Please contact a licensed business professional before using any opinions or examples on BizWorldUSA.com.
38. Can I refer this site my friends?
Yes, you can. All services are free of cost. BizWorldUSA.com always encourages you to participate to help the business community.
39. Can I send feedback on the portal?
Absolutely. You can post your comments on the blog which will help other customers and also provide valuable feedback that will help us provide the best services.
40. How can I get further assistance on the portal?
To learn more about the BizWorldUSA.com web portal, or for all kinds of questions and concerns please contact us at support@Bizworldusa.com or 510-556-1600 and one of our professionals will contact you. BizWorldUSA.com is always happy to help the customer as your satisfaction is our top priority.